Lorenzo Da Ponte. Maske und Kothurn
Michael Hüttler (ed.): Lorenzo Da Ponte. Maske und Kothurn. Internationale Beiträge zur Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft. Wien: Böhlau, 2006, 52. Jg., H4, ISBN Nr. 978-3-205-77617-8
- Michael Hüttler: Full Article: Introduction (p. 7-10)
- Klaus Heinrich: Full Article: Notes on Librettology (1999/2007) (p. 11-14)
- Herbert Lachmayer: Extract: Sharing Omnipotence Fantasies between the Emperor and his Librettist in the Times of Enlightened Absolutism (p. 15-28)
- Richard Heinrich: Extract: Daintiness and Rationality. Kant as the Philosopher of Rococo (p. 29-41)
- Klaus Heinrich: Full Article: Notes on the History of Collecting (2002) (p. 43-48)
- Daniela Pillgrab: Extract: Lorenzo Da Ponte's Work for the Stage During his Time as a Librettist in Vienna (p. 49-94)
- H.E. Weidinger: Full Article: The 'Dux Drafts'. Casanova's Contribution to Da Ponte's and Mozart's Don Giovanni (p. 95-130)
- Johannes Schweitzer: Full Article: Lorenzo Da Ponte's Struggle against Oblivion (p. 131-156)
- Reinhard Eisendle: Extract: Il Poeta Bizzarro. Da Ponte's Memorie beyond fiction and facticity (p. 157-171)
- Johanna Borek: Extract: Staging Life: On Da Ponte's Memorie (p. 173-181)